Abundance Rebirth Retreat:

A Journey to Your Prosperous Future

Dates: April 25th - 28th, 2025

Location: St Nectan’s Glen, Near Boscastle, Cornwall

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Welcome to the Abundance Rebirth Retreat

An extraordinary and life-changing experience nestled within the enchanting embrace of St Nectan's Glen in Cornwall. It's not merely a retreat it's a profound rebirth, a transformation that goes beyond the ordinary, and a joyous celebration of your limitless potential.

Picture yourself in a serene natural haven, surrounded by ancient trees and the beautiful sounds of a magnificent cascading waterfall. St Nectan's Glen is where the mystical and the earthly converge, where the spiritual and the material find harmony.

Here, you'll embark on a journey unlike any other—a journey that will reconnect you with your deepest desires and realign your path toward abundance.

The Abundance Rebirth Retreat is more than just a series of workshops; it's an immersion into a realm of self-discovery, empowerment, and manifestation. Under the guidance of Melanie Moore and Jacqui Crooks, you'll navigate the intricate landscape of your own consciousness, unearthing hidden treasures and shedding the burdens that have held you back.

This retreat is your chance to rise, to flourish, and to uncover the potential that resides within you. It's a call to step into a new chapter of your life, one where abundance is not a distant dream but a living reality.


Meet Your Retreat Hosts:

Melanie Moore

is the UK’s leading Vision Board Expert and award winning coach.

She inspires her clients to tap into their Big Vision, and gives them the mindset tools to change the trajectory of their lives. She helps people at a crossroads in their life to get clear on their Big VIsion, then commit to that vision by taking bold action towards their goals and creating their dream life. She is the creator of Transformational Neural Technique™ a unique process that clears the past, which then clears the path, so that lasting transformation can happen.

She is the founder of the Tapping Into Your Big Vision Members Community, a collective of extraordinary people from all over the world all on a mission to transform their lives and the lives of the people around them.

Melanie visited St Nectan’s Glen in August 2023, she was so taken with the magic of this sacred place. She came with the very special intention of clearing things she was ready to release from her own life, upon her return she felt a huge shift in her life and her business. Melanie knew that she had to host a retreat here. She feels that the Abundance Rebirth Retreat will be the turning point in the lives of all the people who attend this very special experience.

Jacqui Crooks

a seasoned EFT practitioner with a journey spanning back to 1999.

She holds the honour of being one of Gary Craig's original 27 EFT Founding Masters. Jacqui's passion for EFT has led her to share its wonders, train new practitioners, and is the author of the acclaimed book, Tapping into Ancestral Healing.

But what truly lights up Jacqui's path is her love for hosting retreats. Over the years, she has orchestrated retreats in various corners of the world, including the breathtaking experience of sailing down the Nile! Now, she eagerly awaits the opportunity to spend precious time with you and a very special group of people in the enchanting place of St Nectan's Glen.

Jacqui's expertise lies in the art of clearing what we carry that isn't truly ours from this lifetime. This includes the "stuff" we've inherited from our families and the remnants of past lives. When we shed these burdens, the journey of clearing our own unique "stuff" becomes so much smoother. Witnessing the transformative change in people as they release these old burdens brings immense joy to Jacqui's heart.

A retreat, such as the one you're about to embark on, is the perfect sanctuary for this inner work. Surrounded by a supportive community, enveloped in the beauty of your surroundings, and with dedicated time for personal growth and integration, it's a journey of self-discovery and positive change that you won't want to miss. The magic awaits, and Jacqui is excited to share it with all of you.

Why Healing Your Money Stories Matters:

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to overlook the subtle but profound impact of our relationship with money. Our financial well-being, more often than not, is intricately intertwined with our beliefs, experiences, and emotions surrounding wealth and prosperity.

Do you ever feel like there's an invisible force holding you back from the financial abundance you desire? Have you ever wondered why you seem to repeat the same patterns, never quite reaching your goals? It's because we all carry a unique set of money stories—narratives, sometimes hidden deep within our subconscious, that shape the way we perceive and interact with money.

These money stories are not random; they are a reflection of our past, both recent and ancestral. They are etched into our being from our family's history, they echo in the chambers of our hearts from past life experiences. These stories dictate our financial decisions, influence our happiness, and can either support or hinder our journey toward achieving our dreams.

But here's the exciting revelation: You hold the power to rewrite these stories. You can heal the wounds, release the limitations, and invite abundance into your life.

Imagine a life where financial freedom is not just a distant vision but a daily reality. A life where your relationship with money is a source of joy, not stress. This retreat is your gateway to this life. It's a transformative experience designed to awaken your potential, clear the path to abundance, and empower you to manifest your deepest desires.

We invite you to join us at St Nectan's Glen, where the elements of nature and the energy of abundance converge to guide you toward a brighter and more prosperous future. It's time to embark on a journey of healing, learning, and transformation—an experience that will forever change your money story and your life.

Retreat Highlights:

Healing Your Ancestral Money story

Delve into the Ancestral Roots of Abundance: In the depths of your ancestral lineage lie the echoes of survival, the imprints of beliefs, and the scars of traumas around money. These echoes have reverberated through generations, shaping your relationship with abundance in ways you may not even be consciously aware of. The Abundance Rebirth Retreat invites you to embark on a profound journey—one that will take you to the very core of your being, to unearth and heal these ancestral imprints.

Your ancestral lineage is a treasure chest of wisdom and experience. It holds the stories of those who came before you, their struggles, their triumphs, and the lessons they learned. But it also carries the weight of old survival strategies, beliefs in scarcity, and the unresolved traumas they faced. These ancestral imprints may have unwittingly influenced your financial mindset and behaviours.

Survival Strategies:

Throughout history, our ancestors developed ingenious strategies to survive in challenging circumstances. These strategies could involve, a fear of poverty, extreme resourcefulness, or even a fear of taking risks when it came to money. Unearthing these strategies allows you to understand the foundations of your financial mindset and determine which aspects continue to serve you and which need reevaluation.

Beliefs in Scarcity:

Ancestral beliefs in scarcity can perpetuate a sense of limitation in your financial life. Unconsciously inheriting these beliefs can lead to a scarcity mindset, making it challenging to attract and retain abundance. The Abundance Rebirth Retreat is your opportunity to shed the beliefs that no longer serve your highest good.

Unresolved Traumas:

Unresolved ancestral traumas related to money, survival, or scarcity can leave emotional imprints that affect your financial well-being today. By addressing and healing these traumas, you can free yourself from their grip and open the path to prosperity.

Understanding Your Family's Financial History:

Your family's history may have a significant influence on your financial beliefs and behaviours. By gaining insight into this history, you can start to unravel the threads that have shaped your financial mindset.

Imagine the freedom of shedding the burdens of outdated beliefs and fears that have lingered through generations. This retreat provides a safe and nurturing space for this vital inner work. It's a journey that will enable you to recognize and release the ancestral echoes that no longer serve you.

By delving into the ancestral roots of abundance, you open the door to a new, more expansive relationship with money and wealth. You step into a future where you are in control of your financial destiny, where abundance flows naturally, and where the limitations of the past are transformed into the possibilities of the present.

Explore your Past Life Money story

Past Life:

Embark on a Soul-Stirring Journey of Past Life Regression at the retreat. This journey will take you beyond the boundaries of your current existence, deep into the hidden realms of your consciousness, and allow you to clear the old traumas, vows, and beliefs that have, until now, held you back from experiencing the abundance you deserve.

Imagine stepping into your soul's history, where the chapters of your past lives unfold like pages in a book. Each life has its own stories, its own lessons, and its own imprints. These imprints can reach across the centuries, influencing your current thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. They hold the keys to understanding your relationship with abundance.

A Soul-Stirring Journey:

Past life regression is a sacred voyage into the depths of your being. Guided by experienced facilitators Melanie Moore and Jacqui Crooks , you will uncover the hidden aspects of your soul's history. It's a soul-stirring journey that will reveal insights, lessons, and connections you may have never imagined.

Clearing Old Traumas:

Through past life regression, you will discover and heal old traumas—wounds that have transcended time and space. Traumas related to abundance, prosperity, and self-worth will come to light, allowing you to address and release them. It's a profound healing process that transforms the emotional blocks holding you back from wealth and happiness.

Releasing Vows and Beliefs:

Many of us carry vows, decisions, and beliefs from past lives that no longer serve our highest good. These vows can include promises to limit your own success, decisions to live in scarcity, or beliefs in unworthiness. Past life regression allows you to identify and release these vows and beliefs, liberating you to move forward with a fresh perspective.

The Power of Tapping:

Tapping, a powerful energy healing technique, will be your companion on this journey. Through tapping and guided healing, you will transmute the energies that have bound you to the past. Tapping will help you release and transform old patterns, fears, and emotional baggage, paving the way for a brighter future.

Stepping into a Brighter Future:

As you explore the past and clear the old traumas, vows, and beliefs related to abundance, you will step into a brighter future. This is a future where your past no longer dictates your present, and where the limitations of your past transform into the possibilities of today.

Clearing your Money story from this lifetime


When we break free of the past and shed the old, we pave the way for a life of financial abundance. At the retreat, we will embark on a journey of profound clearing.

Over the course of our lives, we accumulate experiences, some of which are joyful and empowering, while others carry the weight of traumas. These traumas can manifest as doubts and fears that limit our financial potential. It's time to set ourselves free.

Clearing Traumas Around Money:

The Abundance Rebirth Retreat is a sanctuary for your emotional well-being. Here, we'll delve into the core of your experiences with money, identifying and releasing the traumas that may have accumulated in this lifetime. These traumas may include financial setbacks, moments of scarcity, or instances where you felt powerless in the face of abundance.

Breaking Free From Lack and Scarcity:

Scarcity is a mindset, a belief system that can hold us hostage. It may tell you that there's never enough, that you'll always struggle, or that abundance is reserved for others. At the retreat, we'll address these limiting beliefs, and replacing them with a sense of abundance and possibility.

Empowering Yourself:

The process of clearing is not merely about letting go of the old; it's also about empowerment. As you release the traumas and scarcity mindset, you'll discover newfound strength and resilience. You'll tap into your innate potential, and you'll step into a life where abundance flows naturally.

Paving the Way for Financial Abundance:

Once the traumas are cleared, and the scarcity mindset is transformed, you'll find that the path to financial abundance becomes clearer. You become the architect of your financial destiny, creating a life where prosperity is not just a distant dream but a tangible reality.

At the Abundance Rebirth Retreat, the process of clearing is a pivotal step in your transformation. It's an opportunity to liberate yourself from the constraints that have held you back, allowing you to step into a brighter future where abundance is not a distant dream, but a reality.

Rebirthing your Money Story

Rebirth: Creating a Magical Transformation

Picture this: You stand at a crossroads, a moment of choice. It's a point in your life where you have the opportunity to hit the refresh button, to clear the slate, and to embark on a magical rebirth—a rebirth that's akin to updating the software of your life. At the Abundance Rebirth Retreat, this is exactly what we offer.

Think of your mind as a sophisticated computer, your subconscious as its operating system. Over the years, this "operating system" has collected data, beliefs, and experiences. Some of this data serves you well, while other parts may be outdated, limiting, or even damaging. It's time to give your internal "computer" a much-needed update—a rebirth.

Resource Your Subconscious:

Your subconscious mind is a treasure trove of knowledge and wisdom. It holds the vast reservoir of your experiences, insights, and understanding. Yet, it's easy to forget just how rich this resource is. The Abundance Rebirth Retreat is your opportunity to access and leverage this invaluable resource consciously. We'll guide you in resourcing your subconscious, drawing upon the wealth of insights you've gained throughout your life.

Shedding the Old:

To create space for the new, it's essential to shed the old. Think of it as decluttering your mental hard drive. What old beliefs, habits, or emotional baggage are holding you back? These are the files we'll help you identify and transform. It's a liberating process that can open the door to a brighter, more abundant future.

Embracing the New:

As you shed the old, you make room for new possibilities and fresh perspectives. It's like installing a system update that enhances your computer's performance. Your "internal computer" for abundance will be refreshed, allowing you to operate at a higher level of consciousness, attracting and receiving abundance with greater ease.

Imagine the sense of empowerment and renewal that comes with this rebirth. This is your chance to rewrite your personal narrative, to redefine your relationship with abundance, and to harness your inner potential like never before. The Abundance Rebirth Retreat offers a magical transformation, a rebirth that will shape the trajectory of your financial future.

Your Big Vision for an Abundant Future

As essential as it is to clear the past, to heal the traumas and release the old stories , it's equally important, if not more so, to cast your gaze toward the future. Your vision for an abundant future is the compass that will guide you on your journey at the Retreat.

What does abundance mean for you? How does it manifest in your life, and what does it look like? This is not just about financial wealth; it's about creating a life where abundance extends to every facet of your existence. It's about transforming your reality and shaping the destiny you've always envisioned.

The Power of Vision:

Your vision is your North Star, it’s the beacon that keeps you moving forward, even in the face of challenges.

  • What Abundance Means for You: Abundance is a deeply personal concept. For some, it's the ability to provide for their families without worry. For others, it's the freedom to travel the world or to invest in their passions. Abundance could be a life of financial comfort, a legacy of giving, an abundance of love and friendship, an abundance of success, or a combination of all these elements. What does it mean to you?
  • The Impact of Abundance: Consider the profound impact abundance would have on your life. How would it change your daily experiences, your relationships, and your overall well-being? And what about the impact you have on the lives of others? By exploring this, you create a vivid image of the life you're working toward.
  • Becoming Your Abundant Self: As you craft your Abundance Pillar future vision, you'll also consider who you will become on this journey. What qualities and characteristics will define you? Confidence, gratitude, resilience—these are all part of the transformation that abundance can bring.
  • A Roadmap to Your Dreams: Your Abundance Pillar future vision isn't merely a daydream; it's a guide towards your dreams. It's a tangible plan that outlines your goals, the steps you need to take, and the milestones you'll achieve along the way. Your vision isn't just a distant wish; it's a reality waiting to be realised.
    Your Big Vision for an Abundant Future is the heart of your transformation at the retreat. It's the magnetic force that will attract the abundance you desire. Through this vision, you'll align your intentions with your actions, paving the way for the life you've always dreamed of.
    At the retreat, we're not just creating a vision; we're planting the seeds of your abundant future, nurturing them until they flourish into reality.

Abundance Strategy

Charting Your Path to Financial Abundance

We recognise that an abundant future isn't built on dreams alone; it's also shaped by a well-crafted strategy. This is where the magic happens. We bring your dreams down to earth, turning them into a reality with a comprehensive abundance strategy.

Dreams are the stars that light our path, but a strategy is the map that guides us there. This is where we roll up our sleeves and get to work, turning your vision into practical, actionable steps that will lead you to financial freedom and success.

Brainstorming and Strategizing: Abundance isn't an abstract concept; it's the result of concrete actions. Together, we'll brainstorm and strategize income and abundance streams. We'll identify the specific avenues through which your abundance will flow. We'll explore ideas that align with your goals and your newfound abundance mindset.

Feel the Abundance

Embrace the Energy of Prosperity

Abundance is not just a theory; it's a living, breathing force that can transform your life. It's about recognizing that you are not separate from the abundance you seek; you are a part of it, and it's a part of you. At the retreat, we guide you to connect deeply with this energy.

Harmonising with Your Desires:

To feel the abundance, you must align with it. This process is not just about visualising; it's about feeling and embodying the energy of prosperity. Your desires and your world view must harmonise, creating a seamless connection between what you seek and what you experience.

Creating a New World View:

The lens through which you view the world is pivotal. It can either magnify limitations or expand possibilities. At the retreat, we help you adopt a new world view that sees opportunities instead of obstacles, potential instead of lack. It's a shift in perspective that transforms the way you navigate life.

Permeating Every Aspect of Your Life:

Abundance isn't confined to your financial situation; it's a holistic energy that can enrich every facet of your existence. It's about relationships, health, and personal fulfilment as much as it's about wealth. By feeling the abundance, you let it permeate every aspect of your life, bringing joy, contentment, and fulfilment.

Living Abundance:

Feeling the abundance is not an exercise in visualisation; it's a way of life. It's about living as if your dreams have already come true, because, in essence, they have. It's about living in a state of gratitude, attracting more of what you appreciate. It's about living the life you've always imagined.

When you truly feel the abundance, the energy you emit draws opportunities, resources, and positive experiences into your life. This is the heart of living abundance, and it's a transformation that can be yours.

At the Abundance Rebirth Retreat, we don't just talk about abundance; we immerse you in the very essence of it. It's a profound shift in consciousness, one that can shape the path to your dreams.

Exclusive Benefits

As a retreat attendee, you'll unlock exclusive bonuses that will supercharge your transformation:


Private Joint Zoom Session with Jacqui and Melanie for Pre-Retreat Work:

Before you even set foot in the mystical St Nectan's Glen, you'll embark on a pre-retreat journey that sets the stage for your transformation. In a private joint Zoom session,, you'll receive personalised guidance and insights. This session is your chance to start your transformation early, gaining clarity and focus before you even arrive at the retreat. It's a unique opportunity to lay the groundwork for your abundant future.


One-on-One Session with Melanie:

To catalyse your journey and provide tailored support, each participant will receive a one to one session with Melanie, either before or after the retreat. This session is an opportunity to take a deeper dive into your personal transformation, addressing your specific needs and challenges. 

This exclusive bonus are our way of ensuring that your experience at the Abundance Rebirth Retreat is not just inspiring; it's deeply impactful. We're committed to your transformation, and this bonus session will integrate your retreat experience immensely.

Your All Inclusive Experience

Your retreat experience includes all meals and shared accommodation.

Your Retreat Oasis of Comfort and Connection

At the Abundance Rebirth Retreat, we've left no stone unturned in crafting an all-inclusive experience that combines comfort, connection, and transformation. Your retreat is a haven for your body, mind, and spirit.

Fully Catered Meals 

All meals at the retreat are included.

Rest in Shared Accommodation in the Heart of Nature

Our shared accommodations offer you the chance to commune with like-minded souls who share your journey. You'll be surrounded by the serene beauty of the natural world, an environment that inspires deep reflection and connection. It's the perfect setting to foster lasting friendships and spiritual kinship.

A Community of Like-Minded Souls

The power of a retreat lies not only in its content but in the community it fosters. You'll be surrounded by individuals who are on the same path, seeking transformation and abundance. These like-minded souls will be your companions, your supporters, and your co-creators of this memorable journey. Together, you'll form a community that uplifts and inspires.

Your all-inclusive experience is not just about the amenities; it's about the sense of belonging, the camaraderie, and the comfort of knowing that every aspect of your retreat is designed with your well-being in mind. It's an opportunity to immerse yourself in a world of abundance, relaxation, and connection.


Immerse Yourself in the Magic, Beauty, and Natural Healing of St Nectan's Glen Waterfall

We believe in the profound healing power of nature. As you venture into St Nectan's Glen, you'll discover that it's not just about the sights and sounds; it's about the very essence of the natural world and its transformative qualities.

Grounding and Connection with Nature: Our journey takes us deep into St Nectan's Glen, where you'll experience the restorative power of grounding. It's the sensation of your feet connecting with the earth, grounding you in the present moment. This connection with nature is a source of rejuvenation, a way to release stress and recharge your spirit. The retreat provides ample opportunities for you to reconnect with the earth and find your centre.

Negative Ions and their Healing Energy: St Nectan's Glen Waterfall emits negative ions, invisible particles that carry a positive charge of energy. These ions are renowned for their healing properties, known to improve mood, reduce stress, and boost overall well-being. You can even stand under the waterfall where you'll immerse yourself in this natural source of vitality. It's a unique aspect of our journey that enhances the transformational qualities of your experience.

The Alchemy of Nature

The combination of grounding and the waterfall's negative ions creates an alchemical fusion. It's a process where the energies of nature, your intentions, and the elements come together create magic. It's a moment where you'll feel the very essence of nature at work, supporting and nourishing your inner growth.

This immersion in nature's healing energy is a vital component of your retreat experience. It's not just about learning and growth; it's about restoration and renewal. It's a reminder that the world around us holds the power to heal, uplift, and transform.

The Abundance Rebirth Retreat is your opportunity to step into this realm of natural healing, to absorb the rejuvenating energy of the waterfall, and to find your balance in the embrace of nature. It's an exploration of the magic, beauty, and transformative qualities that the world around us can offer.

Beyond St Nectan's Glen: Discover the Charms of Boscastle

Our adventure doesn't conclude at the retreat grounds; it expands to the nearby coastal village of Boscastle, a hidden gem that evokes an atmosphere steeped in history and mystique.

Museum of Witchcraft and Magic

As part of our exploration, you'll have the chance to visit the captivating Museum of Witchcraft and Magic. This is not a typical museum; it's a portal to the mystical and the mysterious. Here, you'll encounter artefacts, spells, and a rich tapestry of esoteric knowledge. It's a place where the mundane and the magical coexist, offering you a glimpse into the realms of the unknown.


On our final day, we'll bid farewell to this transformative experience with an integration tapping session, ensuring you leave with lasting change and a heart brimming with abundance.


Our retreat begins on Friday at 2 pm and concludes on Monday at 2 pm. But the journey doesn't end there—we will have a group integration tapping and WhatsApp support for one month after our retreat, providing ongoing support as you continue to embrace your newfound abundance.


Are you ready to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and abundance?

Secure your spot today

Earlybird priced- full price £2497 



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